Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Deadline for Collab has been extended

Hi everyone,

I have had many write and want to contribute to the collab. We have extended the deadline by one week so that you can have that chance. We all know too well, what it feels like to want to participate and not be able to because of a missed deadline. So, if you still want to contribute.. please upload the file to a 4 shared account of other account you own and then send the url to me so I can pick it up during free bandwidth time ( 4 am to 6 am ) . You can e-mail me "HERE" .

Thanks to everyone that has contributed thus far - great job on those kits. !

Everyone that has contributed and/or will contribute will have their name and blog or shop url listed as well. So when you write me , please be sure to include that information. Also , please put Collab in the subject line as I have loads of email and I do not want to miss yours.

Thanks again !

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